About M & I

Mission Statement
M& I works in collaboration with various government agencies to distribute innovative Australian products to international markets.
Marius, Mick and Izak are combined into a team with the wide variety of skills and experience needed to turn that mission statement into reality.
Our first product is being introduced to six countries in Southern Africa under a sole distribution agreement from the patent holder in Australia. These are South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia.
The USA, UK, and EU are lined up as next on the list.
Endorsements from safety authorities, rescue institutes and industry associations are in the offing.
Golden opportunity
For any resellers in Southern Africa, this comprises of a golden ground level opportunity that should not be missed.
For direct buyers it means (1) no more replacing lost anchors, chain and rope or diving in shark infested waters to try and retrieve them (2) no longer taking several types of anchor for each kind of terrain on board (3) No more rust (4) an anchor that makes you look and feel like a real pro. (5) buying an anchor for a lifetime.
Our blog will feature updates.